Extravaganza 2025 Workshops

people in conversation with each other6 Workshop Sessions & 2 Early Bird Workshop times in which to score some great ideas to take back home with you.

Our Learning Team works diligently planning and preparing a great slate of workshops. This year, there are six 75-minute workshop sessions offered during the main event presented from experts on their selected topic. Many of the workshop leaders have been specially chosen because of their experience and leadership in the field of congregational ministry. 

If you are planning to arrive in Louisville a little early, we have two 60-minute Early Bird workshop sessions on Thursday afternoon to provide extra opportunities for learning. Looking for a more in-depth learning on a subject? Check out the Intensive Care Course (ICC) add-on. There are three pre-event learning opportunities to choose from for an additional fee.

How are workshops selected?

New in 2025, leaders have been scouted and selected based on the current needs of The Network and their knowledge and experience in faith formation and walking alongside young people and their families through the first third of life. The Extravaganza Workshops happen because of the great leaders like you serving and leading in your contexts who are willing to teach others.

Workshop Topics & Presenters

More topics and presenters are coming soon. 
All online workshops will be available to current ELCA Youth Ministry Network Plus members following the Extravaganza event for later viewing.

Workshop Title Presenter
Administration as Ministry Danielle Dadashi
Teaching from a Place of Assumption vs Permission aka Building a Ministry Unique to your Community Danielle Dadashi
"Yes, And..." - Working a Children's Sermon with what you got! Rev. John Stevens
Reading the Bible Cross-Eyed - a Lutheran approach to Bible Study and Youth Ministry Rev. John Stevens
Collaborating Together Dn. Dustin Hamren
Level Up Your Game: Using Games to Build Relationships with Youth and the Community Dn. Dustin Hamren
How Do Beach Balls Fly? Rev. Heather Roth Johnson
Parents: What Do We Do With Them? Rev. Heather Roth Johnson
Providing Refuge During Seismic Transitions Rev. Elizabeth Friedman
Here We Are Now; Entertain Us (Or, Actually, Don’t) Rev. Elizabeth Friedman
 Take A Generational Tour  Dawn Rundman
 Recharge and Revitalize: The Epic Adventure of Mindfulness and Stress Relief  Joy Hensel
 Youth Are Either Leading or Leaving  Lyle Griner













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