Formation CoOp


The Formation Co-Op roots young people
in a lifelong, transformative faith in Jesus Christ
through lifegiving communities.




Are you curious how the Spirit is calling your congregation to nurture faith in young people?
Are you looking for a collaborative community to explore new frameworks for youth ministry?

The Formation Co-Op is an initiative of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network, in partnership with the ELCA, to explore new frameworks for youth ministry in order to root young people in a lifelong and transformative faith in Jesus. We believe this work is best done in a collaborative community of co-learners and co-creators, sharing with and learning from each other.

The Formation Co-Op is for:

Volunteers…wondering where to start when youth ministry was handed to them.
Paid Youth Ministry Leaders…interested in a comprehensive approach to ministry.
Rostered Leaders…seeking new ways to engage your congregation in ministry with young people.

We invite you to be part of the Formation Co-Op!



Learn More Applications Resources and Training


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