Comfy Couch

Visit the Network Adult Leader "Oasis Room" at the Gathering
Partnered with Portico Benefits, the Network is hosting a space in the Convention Center next to the Interactive Learning Area for adults to stop...take a breath...connect with each other...renew...charge your phone...find new resources and get energized for the rest of the Gathering.  Visit us in the Great Hall B/C.  We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Martins List LogoMartinsList: Open Source Ministry

Are you trying to plan a Bible study?  Do you need a retreat outline?  Maybe an activity about Martin Luther or a blessing of graduates?  If so, the chances are good that one of your colleagues has written one.  And maybe they've shared it on MartinsList!  This is a site for Network members to share resources they have created, and to download what they need.  And it's included in your "plus" membership!

Visit MartinList

New Connect Journal Article: "Community is the Secret Sauce"

"It’s hard to think of anyone doing community better than churches. The problem is that progressive churches are not good at telling our story to the culture at large.  Without our voices, the primary cultural narrative is that churches revolve around white Christian nationalism and that there will be a test of belief upon entering. The unchurched people around me want no part of that..."

Read the Whole Article